90% of the images on here are either stuff I found in Bonnibel's Graphic Collection or on random Tumblr posts with old web graphics in them. So I don't know who made them. If you know and can tell me, feel free to shoot me a DM on Twitter or Tumblr.
The Cagliostro, Vikala and Badb pics on the home page, the Europa pic on the links page, the Clarisse pic here, the Lunalu pic on the art page and the Stan pic on the error page are from Granblue itself.
The bunny cursor is one I found on Cursors-4U. It's this one.
All images between the first and last text paragraphs on the art page are my own art. (This excludes the Lunalu pic, obviously.)
The image at the bottom of the main page (you know the one) was posted by thisdastampdoesnotexist on Tumblr and requested by me. Here's the link to the original post.